Submitted by toasthaste in just_post

their names are Baru (grey), and Nona (siamese). They are honestly both pretty smart and brave as far as cats go, but Baru is head and shoulders above nearly any other cat I've ever encountered. I took her for a WALK today!!!! OUTSIDE!!!! hence the video.

I've been gradually getting her acclimated to the vest and we've done a few little test walks but this was the first one where I've taken her properly outside rather than just in this condo complex's little vestibule thing. and it's by far the longest she's gone before deciding she would really like to go back home now please. I'm so proud of her my brave wonderful girl.... she's so good I love her I love her!!!!!!



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nomorepie wrote

Very good!! I kept thinking you said "it's so money" in the video, like a slang idk