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toasthaste wrote

is. is the ground on the right yellow because they peed on it.


Moonside OP wrote

It is but one way in which crows radiate pure light and altruism in this world for they help fertilize the plants with their pee.


eep wrote

I don’t even know what these mean anymore is it an other site thing


Moonside OP wrote

Jordan Peterson fans are known as lobsters after a thing Peterson's been waffling about in support of his reactionary positions. Peterson had a thing where he says that lobsters prove that hierarchies are natural (and desirable) because lobsters are evolutionarily old, share some mechanisms with human (they too have neurotransmitter serotonin) and they dominate over each other. This is very bad reasoning actually, but it turns out that crows have contrariwise virtues and are nicer and it's easy to use them to mock the idea of lobsters proving this-or-that about human nature.

In other words, it definitely is a niche joke, but Peterson is the latest reactionary 'public intellectual' in part because he peddles Christian self-help stuff along with his reactionary ideas. Because the kind of alienated young white men who were previously big into New Atheism couldn't find much help of meaning in it, they were bound to have someone pick them up with someone promising to give it to them.


eep wrote

Wow, that's a lot to take in. Thanks :o


flabberghaster wrote

Ground-peeing is used by scientists as a proxy for evolutionary advancement, it is well known.

Scientists are weird