Recent comments in /f/just_poetry
cowloom wrote
Reply to The Envoy of Mr. Cogito by oolong
Very pertinent and well written, thanks for posting!
cowloom OP wrote
Reply to comment by skookin in Epitaph of a Cockroach by cowloom
thank you! glad someone got something out of this. tell your spider friends an internet stranger said hello
skookin wrote
Reply to Epitaph of a Cockroach by cowloom
hey this is really good. i think about this concept a lot, and i consider myself roommates with most all the bugs that live in my house. theres a clan of house spiders that live with me and eat mosquitoes and other bugs that get lost in here, we are good friends
oolong OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in The Envoy of Mr. Cogito by oolong
yea! one of my faves