Recent comments in /f/just_eate

oolong wrote

slap a slice of american cheese on it when it's done!!! i also like to boil fish balls with the ramen

and ramen daisuki koizumi-san it has a few other ramen eating things in it if anyone wants to watch an anime about ramen


toasthaste wrote

#3 is brilliant and I'm gonna try that sometime once I remember to buy sushi fixins

I recommend edamame a lot as a good veggie to add in, comes frozen, p tasty, good for u

I also recommend miso paste! gives it that little special somethin


Moonside wrote

The warmer stuff gets, the sweeter it generally tastes. So if you have sweet dish you want to serve hot and you taste it cold when adjusting sweetness, you should totally lowball it. In other words, people who bake cinnamon buns are basically wizards.


toasthaste wrote

Eat these often and it will lower the bitterness of your heart and your mind and open your heart and your numbed senses. It will make your spirit happy, purify and cleanse your mind, lower all bad fluids in you, give your blood a good tonic, and make you strong.

Well of course they don't taste good, they're medicinal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)