Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_eate

  1. cook the ramen, take the noodles out when cooked and poach an egg in the broth, transfering to the bowl with noodles once poached
  2. Soft-boil an egg and add it peeled to the ramen
  3. Add nori... cut into smaller rectangular strips
  4. Add bbq pork. You can get it at like delis at safeway sometimes
  5. Vegetables!!! You can add pretty much any veggie to ramen and it'll be good and add some important nutrition
  6. Fry tofu and throw it in
  7. I hear hot dogs in ramen is good lol but i've never tried it and probably never will but just wanted to throw it out there
  8. Boil the noodle until just done without any sauce, drain and use to make a stir fry instead, you can even use the packet for flavoring
  9. Add imitation crab. You don't even need to cook it beforehand it'll just heat it up in the boiling water.
  10. Spam! It's real bad for you probably lol but dang is it tasty. Make sure to fry the spam up real good beforehand


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musou wrote

i like to rehydrate a slice or two of jerky in mine!


toasthaste wrote

#3 is brilliant and I'm gonna try that sometime once I remember to buy sushi fixins

I recommend edamame a lot as a good veggie to add in, comes frozen, p tasty, good for u

I also recommend miso paste! gives it that little special somethin


oolong wrote

slap a slice of american cheese on it when it's done!!! i also like to boil fish balls with the ramen

and ramen daisuki koizumi-san it has a few other ramen eating things in it if anyone wants to watch an anime about ramen


BIG_GAY_UNDERSCORE wrote (edited )

  • mushrooms
  • cured meat
  • salted fish
  • steamed broccoli

hollyhoppet OP wrote

i always hear about the american cheese so i guess i have to try it some time lol

definitely would love to use fish balls if i can find some but they're not very common round here


oolong wrote

yeah, i buy mine from an ethnic grocery that stocks a korean brand and some chinese restaurants make them too but it's definitely hard to get a hold of compared to like, meatballs, which not the same


emma wrote

put it on pizza