Submitted by in cartoons

tl;dr: I don't like it

After the gorgeous rendition of the style of Legend of Aang into comic format from the previous comics it's hard to look at these. I really don't like the style. It's just faithful enough to the show to be off-putting in how weird everyone looks under the different style with these jagged facial expressions. The art here just isn't appealing to me. Neither is the writing for the most part.

It all feels a bit safe and familiar. The plot revolves around Korra trying to deal with the aftermath of the new spirit portal and then some gangs trying to take over turf. The main villain is just out for power, there doesn't seem to be any real philosophical angle to him. Even more than Kuvira he just seems to be out for power. Everyone in republic city and all the spirits are immediately cynical and belligerent about everything Korra's trying to do to help stuff (which is also not that much TBH) and Raiko is once again a useless obstructionist who only cares about looking good proving democracy just doesn't work :P

Bolin has changed jobs again because he does whatever is convenient for him to do so he can be next to plot stuff while doing very little - he's a cop now and Mako's partner which means they basically just have their own little plot together largely separate from anything Korra's doing.

Assami is trying to be the practical side of rebuilding stuff and I mean that's not a bad place for her to be in the plot but everything else around her and Korrasami is really boring. They get in little spats about "I want to protect you" "I don't need to be protected" and it doesn't lead to any huge drama but it's obvious and boring and then Assami ends up getting kidnapped obviously. It's all just so obvious and boring. Every character feels like a waste.

And if you're wondering about how Korra and Assami dating is handled by the world there's a few bits where it's suggested they keep it quiet that Korra gets really mad at but it's not really a major thing in the plot and there's been no big consequences of it so far. Kya gave a quick exposition dump in the first part about the history of gay rights in the Avatar world. (Air Nomads are totally fine with it, gay marriage used to be legal in the Fire Nation until Sozin banned it, Earth Kingdom is pretty conservative, Water Tribe it's generally seen as a thing that happens but isn't mentioned in polite company).

Oh also as aside one of the gangs is clearly Indian and I guess it's wrong of me to want them to shove in some exposition to explain diversity but to me a large part of this series has always been about cultural identity and I just really want to know where the Indian people are from and how they fit into the world and know more about them?? The only real hint is that some of them are earth benders.



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