Recent comments in /f/articles

mm_ wrote

maybe dramatic but this was kind of a turning point for me in how i view news outlets, cause im not sure id been taken by something like this before


voxpoplar wrote

"With no understanding of how to deal with the problem, officials ordered pastries delivered to the striking workers and hoped they would be satisfied and go home."

This is basically what modern companies do but with pizza.


neku OP wrote

it's $1 per day though, which adds up. to be honest i don't know if i wouldn't take the deal. nothing feels private any more any way so why not volunteer your own information for cash, is kind of how i feel, but at the same time i know that it's wrong


devtesla wrote (edited )

this article is acting like Russagate being less that it was hyped to be is going to have some kind of huge effect on people's trust in the media, when really I think the people who distrust the media are just gonna be distrusting it just as much and people who cling to it are gonna still cling to it. it's good to have all the reporting failures on this story in one place, just like the tone is wild. I also hate that it seems obsessed with the media not being "sides-choosers" which is some deep "the media used to neutral!" bullshit.

also to say Russiagate is worse than the WMDs story I think is grossly insensitive to the fact that millions are dead because of how the media reported on WMDs. Also like the president's campaign manager is in prison, the Mueller investigation was a story. I don't buy the whole "it was just paying off a porn star" framing he uses like in this context paying off a porn star is kinda huge lol.

also look at this ending:

We had the sense to eventually look inward a little in the WMD affair, which is the only reason we escaped that episode with any audience left. Is the press even capable of that kind of self-awareness now? WMD damaged our reputation. If we don’t turn things around, this story will destroy it.

I'd love to live in the planet where getting the WMD story catastrophically wrong resulted in any kind of looking inward, or any damage to the reputation of media institutions, but this is not the case. The opposite is! Reporters that were against the war were punished and haven't recovered, every pro-war reporter has been promoted several times since. The media institutions most responsible for this failure are going to be the only outlets standing when facebook finishes eating the entire industry.

Media is fucked. Media is really fucked up. I don't think the narrative in this story is super explanatory as to why tho lol. If it was framed as like "the media over trusts intelligence agencies, causing catastrophe" then yea that would be a good article. Tho I think reporting on Venezuela is a better explanation of how media orgs buy CIA nonsense tbh, like beveling that a coup is inevitable when it doesn't have a chance that is a bigger fuck up then what, overstating the scope of an FBI investigation?

I'm so sick of this shit can it be over and can we get back to electing socialists plz


noordinaryspider wrote

TY; still trying to figure out if I killed my own bro by babbling too much about brats and making him drink himself to death or if our bizarre and toxic family were actually telling the truth about his cirrhosis of the liver getting that bad that fast being "Just one of those things".

I'm seriously needing Trans 101 shit here to try to make sense of this shit sandwich I've been served. I know enough not to ask but I don't know enough yet not to be very, very grateful for any information that is offered to help me wrap my mind around the fact that everything inside my head is a lie that I buy.

So thanks. I appreciate that. It's hard for me to conceptualize Dysphoria because I have other private hells but this one was my brother's and I had no idea.

I will have to live with the fact forever that I had no idea. I just thought we were tomboys and he was cooler than me.


noordinaryspider wrote

So sorry Holly. I can only imagine, but of course I do. It's not if but when since I have this body that is flipping out enough over meno and my mom had a botched surgery and my grandmother....

Well, they'll just write "alcoholism" or "exposure" on my death certificate at this point because who cares but before they do I wanted to vent my rage at doctors in general. I didn't just want to go flat, I wanted to go HONEST!!!! I wanted to go FULL ON FEARLESS:

and just tell them to take out the cancer, take off the nipples, leave the scars, and let me take off my flipping shirt legally when it gets hot out and say, "This is what breast cancer survivors look like."

Yea, well little thirteen year old idealistic hippie chicks don't always get what they want.

Pass me that bottle of brandy.