Submitted by flabberghaster in GoldenAgeOfTV

There's a character who's a tech billionaire; he's played as a pastiche of any old tech billionaire, and in interviews the actor says he's modeling the character off of Apple, less than SpaceX.

However it's a show about space, so the tech billionaire's company is a space company, and its main project is settling mars. The obvious parallel to Musk is there.

In season three he got forced out of the company I think (don't remember) and in S04E03, he manages a hostile takeover by getting enough shares to take it back over. He immediately sets about firing the board and the entire finance department; I can't help but see the parallels between this scene where he takes over a company and then immediately sets about haphazardly gutting it with public mass firings and Musk's takeover of twitter, except he's played as this cool guy with flaws, and this scene as a heroic reconquest of a space enterprise, taking it out of the hands of the bean counters and putting it back in the hands of the visionaries and the dreamers.

It stinks to high heaven of musk fanboyism, even though I think if you asked the writers they'd probably deny it.



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neku wrote

this sounds like a bad television programme


flabberghaster OP wrote

It's actually not, it's very good! The premise is what if the soviets beat the US to the moon. Each season takes place in a different era in the space race, in an alternate history where things are a bit better.

The current season however takes place under president Al Gore and everything is being privatized (which is portrayed negatively) so there's kind of a lot of shitty stuff going on. The show itself is good.