Submitted by twovests in FiftyFiftyAdvice
This is truly "fifty fifty advice" because it could go either way.
See, since yesterday starting at 4AM, I could keep neither food nor water from violently exiting both ends of my GI tract, often at the same time. This happened every hour on the hour until 9AM or so.
As I recovered, I was slowly able to fill my body with the liquids and calories it was deprived from, but every sip and morsel felt like an "Icarus and Daedalus" gambit. One sip too many, one saltine too far, and I might find it all for forfeit, back on the toilet.
But eventually, my confidence grew. Things were exiting my GI tract through one end with only moderate amounts of violence. I was crunching on saltines and sipping on water like nobody's business. My apetite was not quite there, but needed the nutrience, and I was increasingly confident that my stomach would not refuse the food. And yet my terrible headache persisted.
It was then that I realized I had at least 200mg of caffeine daily for the past several weeks, but had gone now 48 hours without any. My terrible headache was a symptom consistent with caffeine withdrawal. Perhaps...?
Unsure if my metaphorical was wings would metaphorically melt, I brewed myself a cup of earl grey anyways, and slowly sipped. And sipped. And one cup turned to two, and two turned to three. And the tension in my neck disappeared. The pain when I moved my head dissipated.
I took a gamble and won. The tea is still in my tummy.
TLDR: I slowly started eating and drinking after a stomach bug. But I felt much better once I finally added caffeine back into the mix. It's a "Fifty Fifty Gambit", but if you consume caffeine regularly, consider also reincorporating it as soon as you can after you fall ill with the Stomach Woes.
cowloom wrote
This really is a 50/50. Magic mushrooms are my favorite drug, so those plus diarrhea would equal weird diarrhea.
Also, I'm glad you're feeling better!