

anethum wrote

thank you for sharing this! i've been avoiding tate stuff because well, he's such a noxious person and even just talking about him feels awful. it's nice to read a good writing as to why he resonates

the part about boys complaining "i can't be me" and contrapoints being singled out as the person from the other side who gets it is a pretty amusing detail


anethum wrote

eyy it's a kamome sano

cute song cute video


anethum wrote

hate it when i've become too good at fungus eugenics


anethum wrote

i adore how the main "CORE" riff still works with the song. that's a proper mashup right there


anethum wrote

as a universe balancing act, i'm gonna not post


anethum wrote

i think that has to do with baby bottle tooth decay, instead of it being a warning about materials inherent in ikea's kitchen products themselves? i wonder if they use that exact boilerplate for every food-related product that's aimed at children


anethum wrote

i think that rocks but also it's separate somehow? like, your problem is you have a good tea but with bad snacks, and you solve it by having better tea but still bad snacks? that analogy is kinda doomed from the beginning


anethum wrote

some more stuff because i'm shadowboxing with a guy i made up in my head and losing:

i don't have any problems with beyonce doing country. i actually think the songs sound cool! please don't lump me in with the folks who are criticizing her for that. god knows there are actual, more profound criticisms of beyonce that could be had (s/o to oolong for sharing that article here a few back). though i guess that's not my place specifically to do that. so i'll stick to the more superficial stuff. hee.


anethum wrote (edited )

if i was an anime fan i would say that ten is my "waifu". but i will not say that because i'm not an anime fan


anethum wrote

sometimes i think about how 17776 is big on tumblr and how tumblr folks are completely going crazy over a sportswriter. always gets me really giddy


anethum wrote

first thing i did was pour milk three times. i crylaughed and never really recovered
(i'm sleep-deprived too, that probably doesn't help)


anethum wrote

i love this

i've never played a single minute of a halo