
Moonside OP wrote

  1. Now We're Only Falling Apart

The lore dump continues! Nothing too surprising, in fact I'm feeling that this batch of episodes sorta ought to be watched as a kind of a TV movie.

This is a jump, but I can't help but think of Bismuth. She was right.


Moonside OP wrote

My late commentary: honestly I kinda agree with the teens that using Google for research is a pain. IDK but I feel like there's some glut of irrelevancy that has been creeping up there with bad info driving out good in the search results. Increasingly it feels like a weird yet quite powerful Unix tool, controlled with a text string and adjusting a lot based on the results. I hope better stuff comes along.


Moonside OP wrote

I mean going by the Wikipedia definition

Copy protection, also known as content protection, copy prevention and copy restriction, is any effort designed to prevent the reproduction of software, films, music, and other media, usually for copyright reasons.[1]

I would say it probably does qualify as copy protection of some sort, but I think a point was to use more easily prosecuted trademark law against less easily prosecuted piracy.