Submitted by ___ in yourpersonalblog
i think i fell asleep at least 5 times and dreamt that i managed to lift my head a little but i dont think it actually happened. apparently i said "i can hardly open my eyes" out loud but i don't remember that happening
___ OP wrote (edited )
Its really fucking sad that they just give you stuff that makes you sleepy if you have anxiety or mania or if youre a kid with autism thats fidgety or hard to manage. Its kind of funny in a bad way. Like. Its not solving the problem its just fucking tranquilizing myself,because im too difficult to deal with. They call them "antipsychotics" but really they just shut you down completely.I dont think thats really a proper name. I guess i kind of had to take it because i was starting to get really fuicking fidgety and stuck in thoughts of hurting myself because of horrible memories and thoughts, but i couldnt even get uip the next day. What the fuck