Submitted by no_defun_allowed in programming
uses ironclad cause i want hashes. makes 4 lines of 4 5-letter CVCVC words.
(use-package :ironclad)
(defvar *vowels* #(#\A #\E #\O #\U))
(defvar *consonants* #(#\B #\D #\F #\G #\H #\J #\K #\L
#\M #\N #\P #\R #\S #\T #\V #\Z))
(defun readable-verifier (key)
(format nil "~{~a ~(~a ~a ~a~)~^,~%~}"
with digest = (digest-sequence :sha256 key)
for n below (length digest) by 2
for v = (+ (ash (aref digest n) 8)
(aref digest (1+ n)))
collect (format nil "~c~(~c~c~c~c~)"
(aref *consonants*
(ldb (byte 4 0) v))
(aref *vowels*
(ldb (byte 2 4) v))
(aref *consonants*
(ldb (byte 4 6) v))
(aref *vowels*
(ldb (byte 2 10) v))
(aref *consonants*
(ldb (byte 4 12) v))))))
example usage:
> (ascii-string-to-byte-array "foo")
#(102 111 111)
> (readable-verifier *)
"Kobuf roder zugok zapes,
Rekoz suheh buhud huhah,
Fatad bujuf gafek bovur,
Pakoz mapuj konak vovev"
musou wrote
this is neat! with your permission, i am going to stash this little script in my bin folder for use when i'm running D&D and in need of a fresh magic incantation. my players are all running around thwarting cultists from alternate dimensional planes so this comes up more often than you might think.