Submitted by devtesla in killallgames

they announced it at the game awards last night, it's a new game by Obsidian that is clearly following the Fallout: New Vegas template except it's space, the story looks cool and funny and there's a lot of polish and cool features, and ahh like I'm so fucking spoiled! Like after Hitman and Prey they're making games just for me lmao

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musou wrote

oooooooo i'm hype for this now


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

it looks like borderlands except it doesn't involve randy pitchford so I am hype


toasthaste wrote

it looks AMAZING, my favorite part of the trailer was the part where Viewpoint Character shoots the guy and the lady is like... woah what the fuck you didn't have to SHOOT either of them??? like directly calling out the super overly simplistic, hamfisted, binary moral choices video games always present


devtesla OP wrote

ehh lots of shooters are/try to be funny.

There's senerio overlap with the whole edge of the galaxy, mega corp thing and the guns but that's about it. It's a dialog heavy RPG with a focus on doing things your own way vs daibo with guns, and the art is it's own thing. There's a whole lineage of immersive sims it's playing with that seems so removed to me lol


devtesla OP wrote

I'm not sure how that's going to play in the game but I'm imagining it's there to encourage plays to think outside of the good/evil binary and find other solutions and I'm here for it.


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote (edited )

yeah basically toasthaste is right. i have a thing for shootery games that take themselves seriously and that thing is that I don't really like them.

i finally got around to trying warframe the other day and it was all Halo and I was like, "well shit". It kind of doesn't matter how good the plot, if it's halo-y or gears-y or anything that looks tough and military and humorless, I'm out.

this world looks colorful and funny and interesting. that's the way it looks like borderlands

Edit: also the setting is almost identical. Edge world frontier town, lots of crazy guns, corporate exploitation is causing gentrify-y problems, frontiersmen vs corporation, life has very little value, both worlds have Scags (whatever TOW calls them)

I get the feeling that Borderlands 3 is going to be an online service mess because of pitchford. This looks like it could be the Borderlands 3 I wanted rather than the one I suspect I'm gonna get.