Gamers in Shock as the Tim Rogers Plagiarism Scandal Sends Shockwaves of Scandal Throughout the Gaming Community: "Even Tim's Shaggy Dog Stories Were All Stolen From That Buff College Dorm Mate Who Only Played Final Fantasy VII"
crouton.netThe scandal erupted after a buff man by the name of Timoteides Timsy published an extensive four hour video essay on YouTube yesterday evening. Timsy claims that "the man formerly known as Timothy used his hyperthymetic memory to plagiarize my lived experiences especially those about being a giant nerd before acquiring my brawn." Mr. Timsy further continued that the accusations of being "a fake gamer" have been very hurtful to his business of creating extremely loquacious video essays on the intersections of personal experiences, the continuing reception of video games and close readings of their formal aspects.
"Truth is that Timothy would be no where the man and the dog owner he is today without me. It was me who introduced him to 80's Japanese pop, dime westerns, Robert E. Howard, Cormac McCarthy, Dostoyevsky and Haruki Murakami. I raised him up away from his utter philistinism regarding role playing games of Japanese origins. I taught him that it is indeed not cheating to rotate the long pieces in Tetris. Years later I tried to warn him that plosive filters serve no functional purpose with his microphone setup, but he pretended not to even recognize me. My dear friends, Gabe Newell, Shigeru Miyamoto and Hideo Kojima are just as disappointed in Timothy as I am."
"Final Fantasy VII? Not the first game I've played, but the first one I knew by heart. I was the Barret to Timothy's Cloud during that time. It was a very romantic period in our lives though we were entirely platonic. I showed him that you could keep your thumb on the circle button to make the experience less strenuous on your hands as it was not a game made according to American X centric expectations."
Action Button Entertainment has not responded to our inquiries, but their YouTube account has seen the removal of their entire catalog since then. Tim Rogers was last seen taking a helicopter ride with James Somerton. According to the experts their whereabouts are unknown, but plausibly they've been hunkering while bunkering.