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devtesla wrote

Google should just not list them!!!


neku wrote

theres a great development now where software companies have somehow managed to scrape most software hangups and bugs and stuff and turn them into like, tech support pages? but instead of actually offering any solutions theyre like "well if you used a faaaabulous piece of software like ours, all your problems would be fixed for 59.99 american dollars". and i wouldnt care but for some reason google laps that shit up and now half of the first page of search results are basically ads for shitty apps


Moonside wrote

I have fond nostalgia for the time when links were worth clicking on. There were actual WEB pages where the hypertext made cohesive wholes unlike traditional books and links weren't just navigation. Or links just joined together home cobbled web pages and the need to link was a most sincere sign of respect. Now everyone wants to trap their users on their platform.


nomorepie wrote

started using ecosia and the search results are usually better. sometimes from weirder smaller sites but at least actual content that a human wrote somewhere