devtesla wrote
Idk if anyone saved any of them and the person running it got run out of the server ages ago for being a piece of shit.
devtesla wrote
Oh wait they're posting them on reddit
twovests OP wrote
!! oh shit ty
twovests OP wrote
do you remember who hosted it? also how bad are we talkin, like if i got in contact with them would i regret that
devtesla wrote
greenduch was an admin on the fempire who made some shitty choices that alienated a lot of people, and shit talked me behind my back. Idk if you remember when I had me irl in reddit stolen from me, that was by someone who was trying to get "revenge" on me cause I told greenduch that she fucked up.
Id rather you didn't remake weedbot tbh. Make some other kind of comic bot.
twovests OP wrote (edited )
it's a shabj-based bot so that just adds more reasons to change it up!!
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
damn sorry, I did not remember the green-w33dbot connection when I suggested it
twovests OP wrote
i want to make a weedbot comic generator