They made the moon into a raisin and my toddler niece ate it. Submitted by cute_spider_ni_srsly 7 years ago in just_post She told me that's what happened, so I figured I'd pass the info along. 7 comments 9
musou wrote 7 years ago oh no the tides Permalink 7 cute_spider_ni_srsly OP wrote 7 years ago yeah I should probably tell the weather channel Permalink Parent 6 kleril wrote 7 years ago It's ok we can find a new brand of detergent Permalink Parent 5
cute_spider_ni_srsly OP wrote 7 years ago yeah I should probably tell the weather channel Permalink Parent 6
toasthaste wrote 7 years ago they really should have thought about toddlers' abilities to account for future consequences before they turned the moon into a raisin and gave it to one. just my opinion Permalink 5
musou wrote
oh no the tides