i am a goddess of flavor rn
musou OP wrote
i put a spam single, a scrambled egg, and some frozen snap peas in it too
butthole69 wrote
have you tried natto? it's good with the hot sauce/mustard combo too
musou OP wrote
i will try it some day
cat wrote
make lentil curry then = double the carbs
musou OP wrote
i should try lentils again, i got burnt out on them several years ago but i probably like them again
anand wrote
a true rice fan can appreciate rice on its own
cat wrote (edited )
but an better rice fan knows that rice makes other curries taste better then they would alone >>> the overall satasfaction one gains from the two components is greater when eaten together then eaten apart
anand wrote
the truest rice fan actually just eats the grains uncooked, to appreciate the natural flavor
but ya curries are the best
cat wrote
why do you eat rice alone