While a lot what I post here is whimsical, I thought that the domain washingtonpost.com and the board /f/general was enough to suggest that this was a serious piece about an absurd thing. I suppose I should have rewritten the title to make it more clear.
I'm not usually into stories about crime, but I thought this was particularly interesting as how contemporary it all was, like:
dating app on a phone launching jealousy
boyfriend being a huge gamer and a self-defined "ethlete" up to 13 hours a day
katana (the commercialization of them perhaps more than recognizing them as a thing you use for crime)
It's a very modern spin on an age old ill. This is a bit utopistic at the moment given how abstinence only education is gaining more steam under the present administration, but ideally I'd like to see infidelity treated with more depth in schools since it's so common. Not just a superficial "nu-uh it's bad".
twovests wrote
i thought this was a satire article for most of it wtf :(