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toasthaste wrote

Brotherhood is way way better and also one of my very favorite shows, but will admit the pacing was a bit too fast in places (the Significant Death in the first third hit a lot less hard because of this imo). The 2003 anime had a little bit more time to get attached to the characters, even if they shit the bed on pacing after diverging from the manga. It also had some really cool ideas honestly:

[SPOILERS FOR FMA 2003] The whole "homunculi are created by people performing human transmutation, and look like the person they were trying to bring back to life" thing was a really cool idea, and imo was more interesting than the canon explanation. Also, Roy having been the one who killed Winry's parents, and the other world on the other side of the gate... more ideas I find really interesting, even if the execution wasn't quite there.


I also liked that Winry and the library girl were much more major characters; but on the other hand, they don't do my wife Riza Hawkeye the justice she deserves, and therefore actually 2003 FMA is garbage.


voxpoplar OP wrote

I agree with the origin of the homunculi being good and used well but makes the idea of them being named after/embodiments of the seven deadly sins not make any real sense lol. What happens if an alchemist tries to bring an eight person back to life? Why do Greed and Gluttony seem more obsessed with their identifies as Sins (sort of at least, they're both big softies (other than, like, the murdering) in the end anyway) while most of the rest of them seem far more defined by their previous lives' identities and not that concerned with the "Sin" thing? Like I said I agree with you that it's a cool idea but it was retrofitted awkwardly onto character with baggage from a completely different idea (that IMO wasn't actually developed as well ironically).`


toasthaste wrote

oh yeah I totally agree, I don't think that was compatible with the deadly sins thing at all, but I think it's more interesting than the deadly sins thing(mostly; the fact that all of their deaths in brotherhood were super ironic[with the possible exception of Lust] really tickles me)