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hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

You forgot the most important show this season

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These
People in space talk about things a lot and shoot spaceships at each other.

It's a little early to tell but it looks like it's going to do justice to the original logh, which is basically a long form space opera that takes a really interesting look at the problems, risks, and benefits of autocracies, democracies, and (to a much smaller extent) oligarchies and how they can be ruined by corruption, apathy, complacency, and other stuff.

It features spectacular characters and it looks like the new one is really nailing them while providing a fresh interpretation. I've based several characters in my tabletop games on logh characters because they have so much depth and interesting motives and flaws and such.

The novels were written in the 70s so they are a bit dated in terms of gender equality, but if you can look past that it's a really good story, and the new series is coming out swinging in terms of providing a faithful adaptation.


devtesla OP wrote

All I've seen about the new LotGH has been fans of the old series getting mad at it so I've avoided it so far lol


hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

There are some fans that seem to be going into it intending to tear it apart if it's not perfect but there's a lot of overreaction and such.

One example is in the most recent episode Oberstein, a person with artificial eyes due to a birth defect, mentions that he probably wouldn't have been allowed to live under a past dictator, Goldenbaum's, regime due to a eugenics program. That was the only mention of Goldenbaum's atrocities mentioned in that episode and people were lambasting the episode glossing over them.

But the problem is that those other atrocities were not mentioned in the original series until like episode 40 in a documentary that a character watches during a long space flight.

Aditionally, Oberstein's characterization in the new adaptation is a little more sociable, but I still think they really nailed him, just with a different interpretation than the original anime did. But some people really really seem to hate it? Also he's only had a few minutes of screen time so far so whatever lol.

For me, the only thing the new series has left to prove is how they portray the democracy that's constantly at the risk of turning into fascism (the Free Planets Alliance) and the slimeballs responsible for making it the garbage pile that it is. So far though I've thought it really good and let me tell you I'm a huge fan of the original series and am currently reading through the original novels, which are finally getting professional translation.


hitto wrote

mostly i just can't handle the new character designs. yang wenli is no longer super cute, what the heck?!?!?!


hollyhoppet wrote

To be fair in the novels he’s described as pretty plain in terms of looks.

And I still feel like they got his smirk right


hollyhoppet wrote

Also the animation of the space fights are already so much better lol.