Submitted by BUFFY2K21 in Slayrs_Den (edited )

some of you may remember i had ZERO (of my own) during fempire days but this is NO LONGER the case

Cat #1 (foolish, large, baby)

this guy weighs like 16 pounds and is the gentlest giant i know -- he has been in my home for almost 4 years now! i love him to pieces. he puts the "huge" and "baby" into "huge baby"

Cat #2 (small, scheming, loves wet food and bathtubs)

a more recent addition to the fold! brought home at the beginning of January -- she is a rescue so still definitely getting adjusted. She has no canine teeth due to her previous living situation but it doesn't affect her quality of life thankfully! (i call her muppet mouth, which she HATES as far as i can tell)

she also has thumbs, which are a little hard to see in this picture! overall very difficult to take her seriously, on account of all of her ridiculous qualities. she has a grumpy face all the time which is a little #relatable i must say

i give them forehead smooches every day of my life and would kill and die for them

please let me know if you would like me to deliver forehead smooches on your behalf and thank you for looking at my cats



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neku wrote

:O do they have names?


BUFFY2K21 OP wrote

omg yes they do... honestly the fact that I didn't put their names in the OP to begin with... didn't wanna doxx my own cats i guess 🙄🙄🙄

Cat #1 is named Lincoln! aka Stinko Linko/Big Orange/Ginger Beef/Turkey Tom. Like the Great Emancipator, he is a large presence with an unusually high pitched voice and likely gay tendencies.

Cat #2 is Basil, aka Thumbelina/Muppet Mouth/Bazzamatazz/Le Bazz Hot/Bazzberry. (those last few nicknames only rly make sense if you pronounce her name with a short A sound like I do.)

I can't take credit for either of their names bc those were the names that they had at the respective shelters I adopted them from -- both names just seemed to suit them so well! Lincoln even recognized his own name when I got him so it seemed especially unfair to do that to him!


neku wrote

"stinko linko" is basically the ultimate cat nickname