Submitted by BIG_GAY_UNDERSCORE in Selfcare
I thought my lungs were all messed up. Today I took a deep breath and I felt that sparkly deep-breath feeling for the first time in four years! They’re still messed up, but I know the grossness will be gone someday. Crying unironically and that feels good too. I slept so well last night!
Don’t smoke anything you can infuse or vaporize! If you think your landlord is letting mold grow on your property, do not just let them take care of it on their own time! If you think your roommates should smoke outside, empty their ashtray on their bed! (Don’t actually do that, it probably won’t stop them. Massive Retaliation only works in theory - with nukes - and only ‘works’ in terms of extinguishing life on Earth.)
Apologies in advance if the selfcare forum is only meant to be used for the weekly reflections, I will immediately delete my post and do a cannonball from the second-tallest diving board with my phone in a bikini
Presidential_Afro wrote
its not just weekly reflections you can post whatever you want here
also i should prob get better at posting them again