

devtesla wrote

343i is such a depressing studio, in that there's people there who know halo and what makes halo good so well, but the mismanagement is so bad that their games come out broken and aren't positioned to be the big deals they deserve to be.


devtesla wrote

People just kind of assume that the people in their lives share their politics, so breaking that illusion can help them navigate their social lives, I feel.


devtesla wrote

your body evolved to feel itchy in order to get you to scratch


devtesla wrote

I've looked at so many verified stories from the war, of Israel doing things like massacring people waiting for food, directly bombing aid workers, creating a system called "daddy's home" to take out men returning home to their families, and on and on. So I'm not really interested in if they're using crying baby noises or not. It doesn't change the moral calculus at all.


devtesla wrote (edited )

Currently thinking about Mithrun Dungeon Meshi and feeling good


devtesla wrote

shocking how often doing nothing is the right call


devtesla wrote

there's like a 80% chance this was originally planned for the vita so that might have affected development Lol


devtesla wrote

So this obviously sucks and valve needs to close that group yesterday. It is somewhat reassuring that the company that hire sweet baby seem to have resiliences in place to not overreact to these kind of things, like they did a decade ago.


devtesla wrote

frieren rules. it's boring in a soothing way, just kinda hitting the same emotional beats over and over, before eventually doing something cool and you're like YEAH!! THIS IS THE BEST


devtesla wrote

You probably won't beat it on first play but the rounds are very short. It's a minesweeper kind of game.


devtesla wrote

this is fair tho part of what makes Balatro so good is that it's basically in another dimension entirely from the rest of the genre. the dev has said that when he first started this game his only exposure to the genre was watching a video about one of them Lol