

Dogmantra wrote

I think coca cola is best drunk at room temperature from a can so does that make me a centrist?


Dogmantra wrote

would you rather fight one devtesla sized duck or a hundred duck sized devteslas


Dogmantra wrote

this should be advertised with that dante from the devil may cry series sticker but saying "featuring devtesla from the /r/shibe subreddit"


Dogmantra wrote

I felt so validated that I got a perfect rating first go. And then I tried to make a silly cup of tea to see what the funny admonition would be... ;_;


Dogmantra wrote

From following Dana Simpson's career, it seems like you basically have to make newspaper style comics for years and years, create a much loved webcomic classic, then get extremely lucky. And even then most of your success will come from the published books of your comics and not the newspaper publications.


Dogmantra wrote

well I want to say skull bone review because that sounds dope but that's not an option so I will say you should do #4, organise the 302 presentation


Dogmantra wrote

I knew this was a fool because it was not addressed to a games console as is tradition round these parts.


Dogmantra wrote (edited )

you're sort of like a modern day Pharaoh Psamtik I


Dogmantra wrote

what secrets lie on the other faces of the mysterious food pyramid?


Dogmantra wrote

🤝 I too cannot sleep on my back! It just does not register as sleeping mode so my brain never even starts to slow down.


Dogmantra wrote

I would refuse payment! But not in an ungrateful way, in a sort of ideological way. That's how you know it's a proper anarchist haircut.


Dogmantra wrote

I'd give you a bathroom haircut if you wanted. It would be alright but importantly it would be very gay


Dogmantra wrote

do they hatcheth from an ei and grow to be a frogge, if they be not eaton?


Dogmantra wrote

Cool they can be friends with my kid Selection Bias, and if someone comments on how strange it is for two unusual but similar names to be best friends I can say "that's Selection Bias for ya!"


Dogmantra wrote

oh no this was literally like, you can't have a plot, you just have to put a camera somewhere and see what evolves in front of it!


Dogmantra wrote

Oh I enjoyed this, thank you for linking. Lots of thoughts swirling around my head, and I'm reminded of a film movement that I read about once on wikipedia and can't find again that was about "capturing reality" where the rules involved no editing of any kind, no scripting, etc and even that movement has the aspect of curation to it!


Dogmantra wrote

I feel like I've seen commemorative physical bitcoins before!