
cute_spider wrote (edited )

train crouton

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cute_spider wrote (edited )

No I am very upset that my capitulation to the poop vape was immediately met with ridicule. I feel like my attempts to bond with my peer group were sabotaged with a bait-and-switch and I am reminded of similar situations from my upbringing. I feel bitter at each of my ridiculers and especially at five hundred pounds, who I perceive to be an interloper into my group and the ring-leader of this incident. I will probably respond with a withdrawal reaction and seek validation elsewhere.


cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Slightly more spoilery thoughts?

I like that Jeff is a good hearted pleaser. And I like how the show explores pleasers and their difficulty speaking honestly. Because Jeff is a super dishonest person. He doesn't mean to be, he's just a naive pleaser, and you can't have a real conversation with someone if you're not willing to say something that will make them upset. So, he goes for entire episodes without telling a single truth. He's ridiculous.